Teeth Whitening
in Plant City, FL

Experiencing discoloration of your teeth can lead to feelings of self-consciousness and embarrassment when smiling, but it doesn’t have to be that way. Professional teeth whitening might be the perfect solution to brighten and whiten your teeth dramatically. With just one hour in our Plant City, FL, dental office, you can get a brighter, whiter smile by utilizing the professional cosmetic dentistry treatments available. At Inspired Dentistry of Plant City, Dr. Hussein Abdulameer can show you why choosing a professional visit is worth it because noticing an improvement in your smile reaps the rewards!

What is Teeth Whitening?

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure that helps remove discoloration and stains from your teeth. It is a simple yet effective process that can lighten your teeth several shades. The procedure involves using a bleaching agent on your teeth, which breaks down and removes staining.

Is Teeth Whitening Treatment Right For Me?

Several teeth whitening procedures are available, including in-office treatments and at-home options. However, not all whitening treatments are made the same. While teeth whitening products with the American Dental Association® (ADA) Seal of Acceptance are generally safe, consulting a dentist before any teeth whitening procedure is essential to ensure your teeth and gums are healthy enough to withstand the process. Choosing professional teeth whitening options is generally wiser, more effective, and safer. A brighter, more confident smile could be just a simple tooth-whitening session away!

Teeth whitening has become an increasingly popular way to brighten your smile and boost your confidence. While many people are good candidates for teeth whitening, it may only be suitable for some. Generally, individuals with yellow or brown stains on their teeth are great candidates for teeth whitening if they have healthy teeth and gums.

Because of a risk of uneven coloration or further damage to the teeth and gums, we do not suggest teeth whitening to people who have:

  • Discoloration in their teeth
  • Fillings, crowns, or other dental work
  • Tooth decay or gum disease

Is Opalescence® Boost™ the Best Teeth Whitening System?

Inspired Dentistry of Plant City offers Opalescence Boost teeth whitening systems to brighten smiles without burning, powerful LED lights since Opalescence Boost is chemically activated. Our professional teeth whitening system delivers noticeable results in about an hour. Moreover, it is vegan and gluten-free, plus it contains potassium nitrate and fluoride to increase patient comfort. Opalescence teeth whitening is an easy, safe way to break free from the stigma of stained teeth.

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    Leading with implants and comprehensive rehabilitation, we’re eager to meet you where you are.

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    Embrace comfort and precision with our state-of-the-art technology.

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Say Hello To a Brighter Smile!

Professional teeth whitening services offer fast and efficient ways to upgrade the look of your pearly whites with minimal effort. With Opalescence Boost at Inspired Dentistry of Plant City, there’s never been an easier way to get that beautiful smile you deserve. It’s always best to consult Dr. Hussein before considering any teeth whitening treatment to ensure you get the desired results without causing any problems. To find out if you qualify for Opalescence whitening—call (813) 754-2605 or message us.